Select: Iam : A exoskeleton User, Customer, Just Generally Interested in Exoskeletons, Press and Media
Find all documents in this section
Product Documents
Quick Start Guide
Handbook --> Separate Files for all languages
CE-Zertfifikation separet? --> Or just in Handbook!
Performance Sheet --> All languages
Whitepaper PDFs
Our whitepapers offer insights into various aspects of exoskeleton technology and usage. They are available for download in multiple languages. Two Selctions buttons: Select download language... (Online, PDFs EN/DE, FR,
Scientific Studies
Scientific Studies -- > Somehow organized? By product? --> Then maybe better in the product category? --> On other hand would be nice to have them separately to highlight what we have? A Repeater with an very shor abrtract and an download button?
Educational Exoskeletons
Maker Edition -- This is a free download --> or Link to the EduExo Maker website?
Leseprobe EduExo Pro
PDF of EduExo Overview?
Press and Media Kit
Contains Product and Market Pictures, Borchure etc. and a guideline on how they can be used.
Can be used by citing Auxivo as a source.